I have finished my first week of student teaching. I went through and put all of my lesson plans into my planner, so I know exactly what to do, when to do it. On paper, it doesn't look too overwhelming. That makes me a little nervous, because I am so used to pressure. I work best under it. But my teacher has made me feel so comfortable, and the children are so nice, that I worry about the fact that I am not worried. I know it sounds weird. But it's me!
On Monday there is no school, but I am going to Professional Development. I don't know if anyone else is going, but I thought it would be a good experience (it's all about Common Core, so that's important) and it will make a good impression on the teachers and principal. Then on Tuesday I start leading Opening/Calendar Time every day. I'll be doing that from Tuesday on through April.
I wonder if it is hard for teachers to relenquish control. I know I would feel weird if someone came into my class and started taking over my teaching piece by piece until they had all of it. Maybe it's nice. I guess it depends on the teacher. Mine seems to be pretty laid back, and she wrote on my evaluation that she is looking forward to seeing me begin teaching next week. Hopefully it works out well for me, her, the children, and everyone! Whoa boy. That's a lot of pressure.
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