Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 55 - April 5, 2013

Well, it's done! It's over! My unit is finished! I'm so relieved, and still a little bit in disbelief. When it was almost time to go home on Friday, Aryn said "So how does it feel to be finished?" and I had to stop for a second before I realized that I really was done. I've got 3 more weeks of teaching and I am teaching different things for all of it, but there's still such a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. Next week, half of what I have been teaching all semester goes back to Aryn. The control goes back. It's going to be weird, but it's also going to be relieving.

I am just at a loss for what to say tonight. My day was so filled with craziness (for reasons other than student teaching) and I'm just exhausted. I went to the Human Sciences awards banquet tonight and got my award for Seniors of Distinction. It was so wonderful to be up there with the dean and my picture on the projector and everyone listening to the host read a little biography of my time at OSU. I still am a little overwhelmed that I've got this award, and I really am graduating in less than a month, and it's all going to be over! I don't know. I feel like I'm babbling tonight. I've got a lot going on here.

One thing I do know about today is that I was SO excited to give my kids their post-assessments. We've been singing this ocean song every day for two weeks, and I told them that if they wanted to sing the song quietly to themselves while we did the test, they could. And some of them did! It was so adorable. I didn't give them the oceans in the same order as the song, because I thought that might be cheating (since maybe they'd just memorized the order that we did them in). Well, they still did it! 15 of them got ALL FIVE oceans in the right place on the map. I was so excited! When we did it for the pre-assessment most of then got 0 right, and the best any of them did was 2/5. This time, they worst any of them did was 2/5, and that was only two of the kids. I AM ECSTATIC! I was smiling crazily while I was giving them the test and seeing how well they did. It is just so great to see something you've taught work. It worked! I did it!!

Today was amazing at school. Today was just the worst at work. I guess that balances out to a pretty normal day for me, then. I did get a really cool present for being a Senior of Significance, though -- a paperweight with my name engraved on it and a really cool clock with "Senior of Significance" engraved on it. So I guess I'm not sure how I feel about today. I suppose that since this blog is dedicated more to my student teaching experience than anything else, I'm going to call this day a win! A very nice end to a very nice week.

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