We are finished with Week 6! Next week marks the halfway point. It feels like it's gone by so fast. I'm almost hoping that the second half goes by as quickly as the first, and then another part of me knows I am going to be sad when it is over. (I think the happy part is going to win, though.)
Today was a very strange day. It felt like a Monday, because we didn't go yesterday. More than once today I found myself in a miniature panic because I didn't get ...whatever... done this weekend, and then I remembered that this weekend hasn't happened yet. It really threw me off missing school yesterday! I made up for it a little by incorporating pieces of what I missed yesterday wherever I could today, but I still feel like I missed out on a lot of my teaching opportunities. Unfortunately, Tuesdays and Thursdays are my biggest teaching days, so yesterday was the worst day to miss!
Today was Fitness Friday though, so I'm glad that we didn't miss out on that. It is a lot of fun, and the children really enjoy it. Plus, it incorporates my love of dorky dancing, so that's a plus. I think it's really cool how the school does things like Fitness Friday. I had never heard of "Schools for Healthy Lifestyles" before this semester, but it's a really neat program! I love the school I am at. They are so fortunate to have all of these resources and the community is really great. I hope that wherever I end up is like this. The camaraderie between the teachers and staff is great, and I really feel like I belong whenever I am there. This is good for me, because I'm generally so reserved and take on a "get in, do it right the first time, get out" mentality that I forget to form relationships with people. And relationships are important. I am finally realizing that after way too long, not only at my field site but in my personal life as well. Over the last four years, I declined to make too many friends, because I guess I never really saw the point... but now I'm really trying (with my classmates, my co-workers, the other teachers at the school) and it's going... okay. I'm trying, and I think I'm getting better.
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