Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 34 - Feb. 28, 2013


There. I said it so I can deal with it. Math was a nightmare today! I think a lot of it had to do with today being "Dress Up as Your Favorite Dr. Seuss Character Day," as the children were all in costume (and looked adorable, by the way) and were wayyyy more focused on that than math. I am so thankful that I get to do it twice a day, because the afternoon went much smoother than the morning. Aryn helped and reassured me that it is going to get better, but it's still pretty disheartening.

Other than that, today went okay. It wasn't as great as yesterday, but it was okay. The kids finally got to go outside for afternoon recess, which was a life-saver. I'm just ready for it to warm up so we can get 2 recesses a day. We really need it.

I am ready for this weekend. Last weekend I didn't do any homework since I was out of town, so this weekend I want to get a LOT done. Aryn (among others) is always telling me to relax on the weekends, but I really feel good when I get everything done early and don't have to worry about it all week. Going to bed at 10:00 has been my friend, and I want to keep up with it. I definitely need it.

Tomorrow is our last dress-up day. This week has been fun, but it's also added to the craziness of my student teaching. I think that a lot of us (okay, probably ALL of us) are so looking forward to Spring Break. There are only 2 school weeks left, and then I plan to be very productive over that week off.

We will see what tomorrow brings! We are having a guest reader, a special snack, and a dental health visit (to make up for the one that was cancelled last week for the snow day). It should be exciting.

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