Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 3 - Jan. 16, 2013

I really love the school I am at, and I really love the teacher I am with. The children are very fun, and I am extremely surprised at the things they are learning (they are practicing things that were introduced to the 2nd grade classroom I was with last semester). I was a little panicked yesterday thinking about the whole "what do I want to do with my life" thing...but I have come to a conclusion:


I think that I am so concerned because I have been so sure for the last 12 years that I will be a kindergarten teacher...and then the last 6 months I have lost this certainty. I have never had to experience the confusion of not knowing where I will end up. I have never had to ask "What am I going to do with my life?" But now I am asking. And it is scary. It is scary to be passion-less.

But I know that I will be fine. I think that 10-year-old Megan was on the right path. She just had the destination wrong. I have always been on this road to teaching...I guess I just thought I would be taking a different exit. I never really wanted to get a degree beyond a teaching one...yet here I am researching Ph.D programs all across the country. So now I've reset my life goal "GPS" and am headed much farther down this path than I ever intended to go.

I am going to throw myself wholeheartedly into this semester. I will not slack off just because I am rethinking my future...that's just not me. I go 100%, so this will be no different. However, that does not make me any less ready to be finished and on to the next chapter of my journey.

I'm just hoping that I figure out where to go from here.

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