Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 4 - Jan. 17, 2013

Today went by very quickly. I think I am getting into the swing of things. Right now the thing I am worried the most about is forming a working relationship with my teacher. Naturally, I am pretty reserved and try to be "professional" at all times...which for me is doing everything early, the right way, and usually without asking anyone for help. But I need to learn how to use my cooperating teacher as a resource, because she is so much more knowledgeable than I am, and she is a wonderful teacher! I am always operating under the mindset of "I'll figure it out as I go," because I am very perceptive and confident in myself -- I know that whatever I do, I will do it well. I know my work (in everything) is generally high-quality...but I know it could be better if I just reached out for help.

Over the next week I will work on forming this relationship. It is easier for me than for some of the other student teachers because my cooperating teacher is so easy to get along with, and is very outgoing. I feel very fortunate, because she is so friendly with lots of other teachers in the school and parents as well, so I am forming these friendly relationships by default. Some of the other girls who are student teaching feel like they talk to their teachers and no one else. They feel like they are missing out on the community of the school. But I'm not -- I just need to embrace it more!

The children have been asking me more questions today and are beginning to treat me more like a "real teacher." That is always encouraging. I hope that this continues to grow. I am slowly trying to form relationships with the children and I think it is working. I'm still trying to get into the mindset of being a teacher...not an assessor, not a researcher...a teacher. But I will do it! I know I will!

It's getting easier to wake up in the morning...I think my internal clock is shifting.

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