Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 34 - Feb. 28, 2013


There. I said it so I can deal with it. Math was a nightmare today! I think a lot of it had to do with today being "Dress Up as Your Favorite Dr. Seuss Character Day," as the children were all in costume (and looked adorable, by the way) and were wayyyy more focused on that than math. I am so thankful that I get to do it twice a day, because the afternoon went much smoother than the morning. Aryn helped and reassured me that it is going to get better, but it's still pretty disheartening.

Other than that, today went okay. It wasn't as great as yesterday, but it was okay. The kids finally got to go outside for afternoon recess, which was a life-saver. I'm just ready for it to warm up so we can get 2 recesses a day. We really need it.

I am ready for this weekend. Last weekend I didn't do any homework since I was out of town, so this weekend I want to get a LOT done. Aryn (among others) is always telling me to relax on the weekends, but I really feel good when I get everything done early and don't have to worry about it all week. Going to bed at 10:00 has been my friend, and I want to keep up with it. I definitely need it.

Tomorrow is our last dress-up day. This week has been fun, but it's also added to the craziness of my student teaching. I think that a lot of us (okay, probably ALL of us) are so looking forward to Spring Break. There are only 2 school weeks left, and then I plan to be very productive over that week off.

We will see what tomorrow brings! We are having a guest reader, a special snack, and a dental health visit (to make up for the one that was cancelled last week for the snow day). It should be exciting.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 33 - Feb. 27, 2013

It is good to be back! Today was an awesome day. I can't pinpoint any one thing that made it so good, but I got home from class tonight and just thought " was great!" It's a good feeling.

I was even kind of looking forward to class tonight. The topic was grade retention, and I was very interested to see what everyone else had to say about it. Aryn and I have been talking about it for a few weeks now off and on and I am really enjoying it. I really like to see the balance between theory and practice, and I think it is important to see how they fit together. I'm really glad that I am taking this class while being at my field site, because it gives me the chance to learn about things theoretically and in research, and then talk about them with an experienced teacher who deals with them on a daily basis. I love it!

This morning, I felt really disconnected and lost after having the snow day yesterday, but I got back into the swing of things. My biggest problem today was MATH.

I have always been terrible -- in my opinion -- at teaching math to others. From children all the way up to my peers in college, I can't ever seem to smoothly explain myself. I "get math" (always have) but I am just really bad at helping others to "get" it. I know how to do it the way I know how, and if someone doesn't get it that way I have a hard time explaining it a different way. That doesn't even begin to cover how to teach someone something for the very first time! I'm freaking out a little bit over this, because I want to explain things to them clearly and so that they'll understand...and I worry that I haven't -- or that I can't. I know that I can do this, I just need to figure out how. It's the one place that I am really, REALLY unconfident in my teaching abilities. It's something I'm working on and that I'm getting help with. Hopefully over the next week I will feel better about it.

Other than that, today was close to perfect. I cannot believe how good I feel right now. I'm caught up on homework and lesson plans, I actually had a lot of fun in class tonight (I really love to debate things), and I had a good day at my field site. I wish every day could be like this one!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 32 - Feb. 26, 2013


Obviously I am terrible at predicting what weather will do (or rather, what schools will do when it comes to weather). Cushing was open today, but OSU was closed. I did not see that one coming! That made today's "snow day" all the more frustrating -- my teacher was at school, and my kids were at school, but I couldn't be there! Luckily I left all of my teaching things there for Aryn to use today, but I still really wanted to be there. Tuesdays are a busy day, and so I was disappointed to miss it.

We have to make this day up at the end of the semester, which I know is really bothering some of the other student teachers, but it doesn't make a difference to me. I'm sticking around this summer and I'm not walking at graduation, so the semester doesn't necessarily need to end for me after May 4th. I'm sure I will appreciate one more day with the kiddos when the time comes. I know I keep saying I just want to put in my hours, but that sounds terrible. I really am enjoying this semester, and I know that I am going to miss it when it's over.

Today I was going to do homework all day...but I am finding that there are fewer and fewer things for me to do. My unit is a month away and I've got everything I can get done this far in advance. I know once I get into it I will have things to do each night, but as of right now I've got all of my lesson plans done (for the next few weeks, anyway), I've written the rest of the papers for my graduate class, I've done my 2nd teaching philosophy, and I have honestly run out of things to do.

It's a weird feeling to want to be productive, but to not have anything to do. I do not like it! Usually I work so far ahead that by the time April rolls around I am legitimately completely finished for the semester, but right now I'm just in kind of a lull. I definitely do not want any more snow days, because I don't have enough to keep me occupied during them! I'm sure we're done by now.

And now that I've said that, of course, a blizzard is probably going to hit us next week. I just can't ever get a win when it comes to weather!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 31 - Feb. 25, 2013

Well, here we are -- Week 7. This week marks the halfway point in my student teaching. It doesn't feel like we've finished 6 weeks so far, but we have. I thought it was going to feel much longer. In all actuality, 31 days doesn't really sound like a lot (sure sounds a lot less than "6 weeks"), but it has been quite the journey so far.

Today was a very strange day. It was pouring rain on the way to school this morning -- which made highway driving exciting, with all of the semis throwing waves onto the windshield -- but other than that the weather didn't seem too intimidating. But then on the radio on the way there we heard that OSU was closing at 12:30...which means we had to go home at 12:30, too. I was very shocked! Last Thursday there was actual snow on the ground and OSU was open, but here we are with no snow, no ice, and it's not even raining anymore...and we've pre-emptively shut down the entire campus. Apparently the snow is coming in tonight, but this seemed kind of extreme.

Luckily, I got all of my teaching done this morning and didn't miss out on anything this afternoon after we left. I'm just praying school isn't cancelled tomorrow, because Tuesdays are big teaching days for me! Everyone is convinced that we are going to have another snow day, but once again I am hoping this is not the case. I JUST WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL AND GET IT DONE!!

I haven't been very productive this afternoon. Aryn told me to come home and relax (I think her actual words were "do something fun") because she knows that I always do homework in my free time. I am a little worried because I don't even know what to do to "have fun" these days! I actually find myself feeling bad right now because I didn't get anything done since I got home about 2 hours ago. I have things to do -- I always have things to do -- but I didn't do them. I will tonight, I'm sure.

The weather is getting a little darker outside, so I'm worrying that this impending storm is closing in. I think I hear hail/sleet/something hitting the window. Hopefully my entry tomorrow doesn't begin with "Well, school was cancelled..."

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 30 - Feb. 22, 2013

We are finished with Week 6! Next week marks the halfway point. It feels like it's gone by so fast. I'm almost hoping that the second half goes by as quickly as the first, and then another part of me knows I am going to be sad when it is over. (I think the happy part is going to win, though.)

Today was a very strange day. It felt like a Monday, because we didn't go yesterday. More than once today I found myself in a miniature panic because I didn't get ...whatever... done this weekend, and then I remembered that this weekend hasn't happened yet. It really threw me off missing school yesterday! I made up for it a little by incorporating pieces of what I missed yesterday wherever I could today, but I still feel like I missed out on a lot of my teaching opportunities. Unfortunately, Tuesdays and Thursdays are my biggest teaching days, so yesterday was the worst day to miss!

Today was Fitness Friday though, so I'm glad that we didn't miss out on that. It is a lot of fun, and the children really enjoy it. Plus, it incorporates my love of dorky dancing, so that's a plus. I think it's really cool how the school does things like Fitness Friday. I had never heard of "Schools for Healthy Lifestyles" before this semester, but it's a really neat program! I love the school I am at. They are so fortunate to have all of these resources and the community is really great. I hope that wherever I end up is like this. The camaraderie between the teachers and staff is great, and I really feel like I belong whenever I am there. This is good for me, because I'm generally so reserved and take on a "get in, do it right the first time, get out" mentality that I forget to form relationships with people. And relationships are important. I am finally realizing that after way too long, not only at my field site but in my personal life as well. Over the last four years, I declined to make too many friends, because I guess I never really saw the point... but now I'm really trying (with my classmates, my co-workers, the other teachers at the school) and it's going... okay. I'm trying, and I think I'm getting better.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 29 - Feb. 21, 2013

Well...obviously I am a terrible judge of what weather is going to do (guess that's why I'm not a meteorologist) because we did not have school today. I woke up about 4:00 this morning and looked out the window, but it didn't look too bad. It was "thunder sleeting" but I figured it would be gone by morning. And then at 6:15 I found out -- no school! I was excited for the extra couple of hours of sleep, but ultimately I found myself wishing I was at school today. I was actually disappointed to be missing out on the things I was supposed to teach today. Strange, I know. I think I'm the only one who was lamenting our snow day.

I did get a lot done today, but I'm hoping everything is fine tomorrow and we can go back. I'm sure one day I will celebrate snow days just like the rest of the teachers I know, but for now I just want to go to school, teach what I need to teach, and finish up this semester as smoothly as possible!

It's a short entry today. I guess that makes sense. Boring, I know.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 28 - Feb. 20, 2013

It snowed today...and the kids noticed! What are the odds...

Surprisingly, though, we kept them pretty engaged all day. I had Aryn evaluate me today for the first time, and she noted that even though it was snowing and the kids hadn't been outside all day, I still kept them involved and that I ask a lot of good higher-level thinking questions. I am proud of myself!

Everyone at school today (adult-wise) was praying for a snow day tomorrow. I am not getting my hopes up, because it doesn't seem to be that cold outside. Also, I'm not even sure I want a snow day. I'll just have to make it up later, and it would just be a wrench thrown into my lesson plans and the rhythm I have going right now. I've already invested myself in going every day, and I just want to put in my hours and not have to scramble to implement lessons on different days and at different seems like such a hassle, and one day stuck at home just doesn't seem worth it. I know I'm the exception, and that everyone else at that school is praying for the ice tonight, so we'll see.

I went to class tonight even though we got the go-ahead to skip if we wanted (what with the impending winter storm and all). I just don't like to miss things whenever possible. I guess that explains my lack of enthusiasm for the snow prayer we've got going on at school.

I have one more piece of my project due Friday at midnight, but I really want to get it done tonight and tomorrow. I cannot wait to be finished with this semester! I have (of course) been working ahead on my lesson plans and things, so I've not been too stressed out, but it will still be nice when I'm done.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 27 - Feb. 19, 2013

Today Aryn reminded me that there are only 3 more school weeks (after this one) until Spring Break! I can't believe February is over next week. The time really is going by a lot more quickly than I thought it was going to. I am in week 6 of 14...that means after next week, we're halfway there! It's so strange to think that all of these girls (me included) could actually be real, live TEACHERS in just a few months. I've been in school for four years and I feel like I'm going to be in school forever. Well...based on my life plan I actually will be in school for close to forever, but at least for my undergraduate degree, it's unbelievable that my journey is coming to an end. We learn for so long that we feel like it will never end. But it ends. I can see the finish line!

Today reading went even better than yesterday. I really like it -- it might be my favorite subject to teach. It is interesting to teach it whole group and in small groups (during rotations). I can really see the differences in the children during small groups and then capitalize on their individual strengths during the whole group time. I also really like teaching reading twice each day (once in the morning and once in the afternoon) because I can fix any mistakes that I make or problems that I see from the first session. Teaching math next week will be the same thing. I'm actually kind of disappointed that I have to give up reading so quickly. One week is not enough! I can't wait to get it back in April.

I feel better today! My cough is still there, and sometimes my voice goes for a little bit, but it always comes back. My coughs are always pretty persistent, so I expect that it will be here for a while. Now I just have to finish some lesson plans, and I plan to be in bed by 10:00 again tonight! Things are looking up.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 26 - Feb. 18, 2013

Today was a pretty good day! I was unexpectedly observed this morning for my first time teaching reading. I was a little nervous, but I figured I wouldn't be any better tomorrow than I was today (for the most part) so I just went with it! I can talk a lot better this week because my throat isn't so sore, so the children could actually hear and understand me. I was really worried that my voice would go even more than it did last week and that the children would have no idea what I was saying when I sounded words out for them. But it went fine! Like always, I was worried for nothing.

It feels kind of nice this week to have taken over the majority of the classroom. I just go from one thing to another, and I feel like a "real" teacher! It's a little bit stressful at times, but I still like it. I'm also very excited that I only have a few more detailed lessons to plan this semester. I finished my unit last Friday and so all I have left to do is write a few math lessons and I'm done!

I know it is only week 6, but I feel like I've got less on my plate these days. Which is ridiculous, because like I just said, I have more to do than ever! Maybe I'm just getting into the swing of things and I feel more confident. Who knows. We will see what tomorrow will bring!

I am looking forward to teaching my big two-week unit. Mine is all about pirates, and I think the children will really like it. We will see... Aryn looked over all of my lesson plans and said they sound good, so barring a tragedy, everything should work out.

I hope that I wake up tomorrow feeling even better than I feel today. Whatever it is, it's GOT to be an improvement from last week.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 25 - Feb. 15, 2013

Well, we're 5 weeks down! Only 9 more to go. It feels like we're still so far...but graduation is only a little more than 2 months away. May 4th, here we come!

Today I finished all of my lesson plans for my big two-week unit. I don't know if the other groups are doing this, but I love that we had ours due so far in advance. It feels so nice to just be done with it (almost...I still have a few more things to do before next week, but the majority of it is there). I will be so glad when April 5th comes, because that is when my unit will be finished and I will slowly be easing my way out of taking over the classroom.

Speaking of taking over the classroom, that's what I'm doing next week! From this coming Monday, all the way through April 5, I will be teaching everything, every day. It sounds really scary, but I am feeling pretty confident. I've established a good enough rapport with the children that they see me as a teacher and are generally very attentive and engaged when I am at the front of the classroom. There are always those times when they get overly excited about something and I can't get them to reel it back in...but they're only 5. I can't get mad. Plus, Aryn and Jennie are always there to help.

I think I feel a little better today. I still cough like I have the plague, but my throat is feeling better and my headache is gone (except for the part of it that I smashed into the stove at work...different story, still painful). I'm hoping that this weekend will be kind to me and that I'll be much better next week! A lot of people are getting sick lately. We had one student teacher out today, and two more of my children are at home with the flu this week. I feel like it's hit every child in the class at least once (some of them twice, poor babies) since I've been here.

All in all, today was a pretty good day. This week has been looooong...but today went by pretty quickly. It was Friday, after all, so it was fairly relaxed. At my rotation this afternoon we made bead necklaces and everything went very well.

As far as my own personal Valentine's Day yesterday, I did homework. I know some people probably went out and did the traditional thing...but I did my lesson plans. And I am so glad I did! Restaurants and...well, super busy on the 14th and so Mike and I had soup and I did homework. Pretty much a normal night for us, which is how we like it. And now, I'm done! I was not stressed out today trying to write all of my lessons, we had time to drive to OKC, and I still got everything turned in about 3 hours ahead of time. I would like to think that after this semester I won't be such a nerdy lame-o...but I know that I won't! I am always going to be like this, planning ahead and spending all of my time doing homework or lesson plans or...the list goes on. Mike accepts this. It'll be good.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 24 - Feb. 14, 2013

Today was Valentine's Day! It was INSANE. The children knew that there was going to be a party, but it wasn't until 2:30. We told them, over and over and over, that the party was going to be the very last thing that we would do for the day. But nevertheless, every couple of minutes it felt like one of them was asking "Is it party time yet?!" I understand, they were excited. But we were about to pull our hair out!

Today was also picture day, which only added to the craziness. We were called at about 8:45, so we got it out of the way early. Surprisingly enough, we still got everything done today that we usually do. We missed P.E., since the pictures were in the gym, and we missed nap for the party, but other than that we still got it all done! The children were a little crazy but we did alright. They were so hyped up that we just sent them outside to run around for about 30 minutes while the parents set up for the party.

Speaking of the party, I was surprised at how many parents came! At least half of the children's parents came, and they completely did the party themselves. They got together, planned it, brought all of the stuff, and did everything during the party (passing out food, doing the games, even cleaning up!). We had an overabundance of food at this party -- 3 sets of cupcakes, cotton candy, pizza, chips, juice, little sandwiches, suckers, ice cream... It was insane. I felt a little sick just looking at all of it! But granted, I've felt a lot sick lately so it could have been due to that.

The last thing I wanted to share journal prompt was "I love" and I wanted the children to write about something that they loved. A lot of them did their moms and dads, one little boy did God (so sweet) and one did...ME! However, when it came to the drawing portion of the journal, he drew some insane thing that had nothing to do with me...and when Ms. Aryn asked him about it and he didn't really know what it was, she told him that he should try to match the drawing to the words.

So what did he do? He added to his words to make some sort of bizarre connection between the drawing (which is evidently a person wearing a mask) and him loving me. Here is the result:

It is supposed to say "I love Ms. Megan [so much] that I'm wearing this mask." I thought it was pretty clever that instead of rewriting the words or trying to draw a new picture, he just added to his writing to say that he loves me so much he put on a sweet mask to show me. It's strange...but it was a pretty good idea!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 23 - Feb. 13, 2013

I am feeling even worse today! I do not know what is going on, but I am praying that it subsides soon. I am completely drained of energy (which of course happens the week I have the most to do). I would love to go to sleep right now, but I still have 9.5 lesson plans to write by tomorrow night and so I have to just suck it up and cough my way through the next 3 hours or so.

Today the children were crazy! The second day of being inside was not good for them...not good for any of us. I tried to stay upbeat, but I sounded like a frog all day so it was hard. I just want to be better. I cannot wait for the weekend -- everything will be done (because it HAS to be) and I can take a little break from talking for what feels like all day every day.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and so is picture day. It definitely won't be an ordinary day, so I'm not sure how it will go. I'm hoping that the change in routine won't be too upsetting for the children, but I worry that it will. Party days are hard enough, and adding in Spring pictures (which take about 100 years because they're full-body and each child has to be posed the way their parents want them to be) just seems like it will be the Kindergarten apocalypse. It had better be warmer tomorrow so they can go outside, or Aryn, Jennie, and I are probably going to lose our minds!

Now it's time for soup...which hopefully is miracle soup that will make my throat stop throbbing and my cough cease to exist!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 22 - Feb. 12, 2013

Today I did not feel better. In fact, I feel worse. But I'm powering through it because I have a lot of lesson plans to do tonight.

Today it snowed -- kind of. It rained for a while, and then the biggest flakes of snow ever fell for a while, and then it rained some more. So none of the snow stuck, but the children were SO excited and were just itching to get outside and play in...whatever it was that fell from the sky today. I felt bad that we had to keep them inside all day, but it was so cold! So, combining their antsy behavior with my constant coughing and was a hard day.

I started Rotations today, which means I'm doing small-group reading with all of the children over the course of the week. I really like it. Small groups are a lot easier than the whole group, which I am still really nervous about. I know I do the opening every day and it's been going just as well as always, but I'm not really teaching anything new -- it's mostly review with little bits added in here and there. So I'm getting pretty nervous about next week when I take over Reading, because that is where the most instruction takes place. I really like Reading, and it's always been my favorite to do with children, but I think I'm psyching myself out about how it's going to go. I have all the lessons planned, and I know they're good, but the problem is the teacher dialogue. Aryn is so good at talking with the children naturally and grabbing onto their comments for those ever-important "teachable moments"...and I worry that maybe I won't be able to do that. Again, I am making myself panic over what is probably nothing, just like usual. But I also usually work best under pressure so maybe they'll even out.

I'm the most nervous about my big two-week unit coming up after Spring Break. I know what I want to teach, but I've just got to work out the details. I should probably be working them out right now, actually, because I want all of my lesson plans done by Thursday so I have time to talk them over with Aryn before I turn them in on Friday. It would be a lot easier to do if my throat and head we're killing me and I wasn't coughing up a lung every five seconds!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 21 - Feb. 11, 2013

I feel so sick today. I do not have a fever and I'm not throwing up, so I went to school, but my throat is killing me and I cough every ten seconds. I don't want to miss school though, because I will then have to go to the doctor (and a cough isn't worth the co-pay) to get a note, and I will have to make up my hours after graduation (not something I'm interested in doing). I'm a little frustrated because I know that is not realistic -- if a teacher is feeling sick, she can take a sick day and it's okay. I understand that we need a certain number of hours as student teachers...but I know that I'm going to have enough -- Aryn and I did the math -- to miss a day. But I don't want to. I have too much at stake this semester, so I'm going to just power through it. Reading for an hour at Book Club tonight at work didn't help either. My voice is so shot.

A piece of good news that came out of today was that OSU finally put up the courses for the fall, so I know when I'm taking class! It will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from like 4:30 to 7:00 at night. This will require a lot of driving (or bus there an OKC to Stw. bus?), but I'm pretty excited because that means that I could teach in a morning program or in one that starts early/ends early -- like the one I was at in Tulsa where the children were dismissed at 2:55. I'm super happy, because I always thought I couldn't teach while finishing this 4+1 program, but now that is not so unrealistic. I'm going to shop around OKC and see what is going to be available next year.

It's just one more thing to think about...stuff is piling up. I'm working so far ahead on everything and I still feel so far behind. I didn't do any lesson planning tonight. I feel so terrible and I just want to go to sleep and pray that I wake up feeling fine in the morning (maybe?) -- or at the very least, not worse.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 20 - Feb. 8, 2013

Again, today was another wonderful day of parent-teacher conferences. It didn't feel like I was at the school for over 3 hours doing conferences, but I was. I am baffled at how quickly the time flies during these meetings. I think it is because each one was so markedly different that I was genuinely excited for them all!

I was telling Jennie how I can tell how each parent has influenced their child. If you had lined up all the parents and all of the children in the room, I could have matched them up. For sure. Except for my little adopted Guatemalan, but I would have figured it out eventually :)

It's just so fascinating to see how little mannerisms, attitudes, and of course looks can be and ARE passed down from parent to child. I'm so glad that I got to get a glimpse into these children's home lives, what their family situations are like, who they love...

I feel so sad for teachers that do these meetings and don't get this feeling. The ones who sit down, do the academic thing, and then scooch the parents out the door. Aryn really TALKED to them, and asked them how they feel, how they're doing, and what is going on in their lives outside of their children...because all of this affects how the children are at school. I think some teachers miss this, because they just don't ask.

I'm going to be one of those teachers that asks, because it matters.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 19 - Feb. 7, 2013

Let me just begin this by saying I LOVE PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES.

I had such a wonderful time today with the kids, and even though I was at the school for over 11 hours it just sort of flew by!

After school I had a quick 10-minute dance party with a couple of my little girls who were waiting on their parents to come to the conferences, and then we began. We did 12 conferences, but it didn't seem like it took 3 1/2 hours at all.

I have always thought "there is NO WAY teachers can remember every single thing about every child to talk to their parents..." I mean, there are 26 of them and so it's impossible for us to remember what they wrote in their journal, who they play with, how they've been answering questions in group time, right? Okay, wrong. SO wrong. I was surprised at how much I do remember about each individual child. Without even meaning to, just being around them and being involved in their education every day, I have gotten to know these kids, and I can recall details and talk about what I love about them and what is challenging about them, and what they are great at and what they need to work on. And of course, Aryn is a million times better about this!

I loved watching her do the conferences. She is so confident, and she is so personable, and she really makes connections with the parents and families. She talked to each parent exactly the way they needed her to -- I hope that one day I can do the same thing.

The conferences themselves were so eye-opening. It is so nice to put a family to each child. I have a little more insight into what their home lives are like, who their parents are, what is important in their lives outside of school...I loved it. All of the parents let me sit in on their conferences. I feel like I know the children so much better now, just from talking to their families for 15 minutes. I kind of wish these happened more often! I am looking forward to the meetings tomorrow.

Each conference was so different, and yet I can still remember exactly what we talked about in all of them. I am so glad that I am getting these opportunities this semester. I am also glad that the parents know who I am now, so that if their children are talking at home about "Miss Megan," they have a face to put with a name, too.

The hardest conference was the one where Aryn had to tell a parent that she was recommending retention for her son. I stayed late for it, because I really wanted to see how you tell someone that. His mom suspected that it was going to happen, and she's actually supportive of it, so that makes it much easier on both of them in beginning this process. The question she asked -- the one that I think a lot of parents in this situation fear the most -- was "How do I tell him?" I never thought about that, I guess. I have wondered a lot about how you tell a parent that their child isn't succeeding (basically), but how do you even begin to explain that to the child?! Aryn made it clear, and she said it several times, that she does not want to kill his confidence. That is SO important. You don't want a child to feel like a failure. But you want to help them succeed, and maybe an extra year is what they need? I don't know. I don't know. I talk a lot of big game in class about not supporting retention (which, for the most part, I DO NOT), but it's so much harder to look a parent in the eyes -- a parent who is so concerned and just wants what is best for their child -- and have that conversation. What do you do? How do you know that your recommendation isn't going to make things worse for them?

Being a teacher is such a big responsibility. I have always known that, but now I am seeing it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 18 - Feb. 6, 2013

Today, my cooperating teacher was observed by the principal, because they have to be evaluated every so often. She was so confident (which I guess makes sense, because she's amazing) and I was so happy to see that she didn't change herself or the way she taught just to put on a show. She was the same teacher she always is - because she is always a great teacher. I hear about other teachers who are completely different when they are being observed (e.g., mean to the kids every moment of every day, but nice to them when they're being watched -- UGH). I am so, so, so lucky to have been placed in her classroom this semester. I feel terrible for my classmates who don't feel like they are gaining anything from their student teaching -- it's sad, and frankly it's a waste of their time. Not me.

I am slowly building confidence and relationships with each one of the children. I am picking up on the little things about them that are so important to know: their interests, their skills, what motivates them, etc. I know that different children need to be taught in different ways, and so I am working on learning what this looks like for each one of them. It is hard, since I've only been around for a little less than a month, but I am learning! It is exciting for me. I am also super excited that parent-teacher conferences are tomorrow and Friday, because now I will finally be able to meet (or at least see) each child's parents and maybe get a better understanding of their home life/their family and how it might be affecting their school work -- for better or for worse! A couple of my classmates have already sat in on meetings, and they have been eye-opening.

We are nearing the end of Week 4. It has gone by pretty fast. I am looking forward to seeing if the next 11 weeks go by as quickly as these first 4 have. I'm not sure if I'm counting down the days excitedly or sadly. Probably both. I'm so ready to be done with my undergraduate degree...but being in the classroom with these children all day, every day is going to make me miss them like crazy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 17 - Feb. 5, 2013

Today was another good day for me, because I went in with a POSITIVE attitude and even when things went wrong (and oh, did they go wrong), it was fine.

The worst part of today was that this boy in my class -- one who has had a terribly rough time these last few weeks at home and at school -- was having a hard day again. He is one of those that I just want to take home and take care of...because I just feel like he so desperately needs it. I have been trying really hard (we all have) to help him succeed at school. It has been so hard because he can get so frustrated and lash out at other children both verbally and physically, so we have to "discipline" him. But it breaks my heart. I hate it when the kids -- any of them -- look so dejected. And it kills me when they say things like "Nobody likes me" (happened today) or "I don't like school anymore" (also today) because I just want them to be happy. All the time.

I do the best I can to cheer them up, help them learn, but keep them accountable for their behavior. I'm trying so hard to show them -- especially this one little boy -- that he can have a great time at school if he can learn to be kind and respectful to his classmates and his teachers. He is a bright child. That is also something I have seen lately: every child has a niche in which they succeed. Every child has something that they are good at, and that we can capitalize on. But some teachers just don't see it. I'm trying to see it. In the midst of all the children who don't know their letters, or recognize their numbers, or can't recognize even the simplest of sight words (where the rest of the class is succeeding)...there is always something that they are good at -- always something. And I am working so hard to figure out what that something is for each child, so that I can help them to build on this, and build their confidence and their happiness. You can just see how happy they are when they get to do that thing they're good at, and when it is acknowledged and applauded and celebrated.

I'm trying. I am really, really trying.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 16 - Feb. 4, 2013

Today I added handwriting to my list of things I'm teaching. It went really well! We practiced our numbers 1-30 and I had the children "teach" me how to write them all. They seemed engaged and I was pleased with how the lesson went.

Another thing that was new today was that I finally got to observe Reading. It was so fun! I think Reading is definitely my favorite subject and I am excited to teach it in a few weeks. I really like seeing how the introduction of the Smart Board has changed the way we teach. I am enjoying learning how to use technology but not let it overtake the lesson or distract from the learning.

Today I also went into all of my interactions with the children using the mindset I discussed on Friday: POSITIVELY! I tried to take on Aryn's perspective that regardless of what they did earlier, every interaction is a chance to start over. And I had a great day. Even though today was the day we moved the most names on the discipline chart since I've been there, it was the best day I've had in a while -- I just went into it happy and was determined to stay happy. And it worked!

I am hoping that this positivity wave continues over the rest of the week.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 15 - Feb. 1, 2013

Today I came to a realization: I love kindergarten!

This whole teaching thing has been a ridiculously complicated rollercoaster that I fear might be leading me right back to where I started. Do I want to teach? I legitimately do not know. It's so strange to go back and forth like this. Come on, now.

I do know this...if/when I become a teacher, I want it to be in Pre-K or kindergarten. I was right in 5th grade when I said I wanted to teach kindergarten. Today, as I was listening to some of my fellow student teachers talk about their experiences in the older grades, I said something that really stuck with me. Someone said "Today was a hard day in 3rd grade," and without even thinking, I said "Well, it's always a good day in kindergarten." And it is. No matter what happens, and what worries I may have before or after the day is over, all of the tiny hugs and the "I love yous" and the little giggles...they make it a good day.

Today I also remembered something that I think we as teachers often forget: There are always those children who act out, seek attention, talk constantly...and I feel like so many teachers label them as troublesome and this affects the way they teach them. Aryn is showing me that regardless of what a child did 30 seconds ago to make you angry or frustrated, when it's done, it's done. You let it go, and you love them anyway. It makes me sad when teachers hold stupid grudges because a child didn't listen to them four hours ago and so today is going to be a "bad day" for that child, whatever.

These kids need love, and teachers need to give it to them unconditionally...because besides their parents and families (which honestly are not always that reliable in the "unconditional love" area) we are the most consistent thing they have. So when the kids come up to me and hug me and tell me they love me, I don't do that awkward wiggle-out that so many teachers do because we're all so scared of what's appropriate and what people will think or say or do. These kids NEED hugs, and so I am going to give them all the hugs they deserve. Aryn loves these kids. I love these kids.

There are always those ones that you want to save...take them home and make everything okay for them because their lives are so upside-down. But you can't just take the kids home. So you have to love them while you have them and send them home with at least something to smile about.

Those are my thoughts today. After yesterday, all I care about is loving these little babies. I know there is more to being a teacher, and I know that I can do all of those technical things (the lesson planning, the assessment, the individualized instruction). But now I am realizing that this part might be more important.

I don't know. I don't know if this is how teachers think. I don't know a lot of things...can I honestly learn to teach?