Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 21 - Feb. 11, 2013

I feel so sick today. I do not have a fever and I'm not throwing up, so I went to school, but my throat is killing me and I cough every ten seconds. I don't want to miss school though, because I will then have to go to the doctor (and a cough isn't worth the co-pay) to get a note, and I will have to make up my hours after graduation (not something I'm interested in doing). I'm a little frustrated because I know that is not realistic -- if a teacher is feeling sick, she can take a sick day and it's okay. I understand that we need a certain number of hours as student teachers...but I know that I'm going to have enough -- Aryn and I did the math -- to miss a day. But I don't want to. I have too much at stake this semester, so I'm going to just power through it. Reading for an hour at Book Club tonight at work didn't help either. My voice is so shot.

A piece of good news that came out of today was that OSU finally put up the courses for the fall, so I know when I'm taking class! It will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from like 4:30 to 7:00 at night. This will require a lot of driving (or bus there an OKC to Stw. bus?), but I'm pretty excited because that means that I could teach in a morning program or in one that starts early/ends early -- like the one I was at in Tulsa where the children were dismissed at 2:55. I'm super happy, because I always thought I couldn't teach while finishing this 4+1 program, but now that is not so unrealistic. I'm going to shop around OKC and see what is going to be available next year.

It's just one more thing to think about...stuff is piling up. I'm working so far ahead on everything and I still feel so far behind. I didn't do any lesson planning tonight. I feel so terrible and I just want to go to sleep and pray that I wake up feeling fine in the morning (maybe?) -- or at the very least, not worse.

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