Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 16 - Feb. 4, 2013

Today I added handwriting to my list of things I'm teaching. It went really well! We practiced our numbers 1-30 and I had the children "teach" me how to write them all. They seemed engaged and I was pleased with how the lesson went.

Another thing that was new today was that I finally got to observe Reading. It was so fun! I think Reading is definitely my favorite subject and I am excited to teach it in a few weeks. I really like seeing how the introduction of the Smart Board has changed the way we teach. I am enjoying learning how to use technology but not let it overtake the lesson or distract from the learning.

Today I also went into all of my interactions with the children using the mindset I discussed on Friday: POSITIVELY! I tried to take on Aryn's perspective that regardless of what they did earlier, every interaction is a chance to start over. And I had a great day. Even though today was the day we moved the most names on the discipline chart since I've been there, it was the best day I've had in a while -- I just went into it happy and was determined to stay happy. And it worked!

I am hoping that this positivity wave continues over the rest of the week.

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